Announced alongside the Galaxy S6, Samsung showcased its dual-display Galaxy S6 Edge as well. The Edge can be pre-booked for availability of 10 April with prices starting from Rs 58,900 and going as high as Rs 70,000 for the 128GB variant. While the Note 4 Edge was bigger in size, Galaxy S6 Edge is more humane with its sizing, design and weight. Take a closer look at Galaxy S6 with an Edge.

It sports GalaxyS6-like 5.1-inch Quad-HD display with Corning Glass 4 protection and said to offer 577 ppi as per the company.

It also packs an octa-core Exynos CPU with 3GB RAM and available in 32/64 and 128GB storage variants with non-expandable storage support

The advantage of Edge is quite unclear right now but you tend to receive lighted notifications from your contacts whose color code can be defined the user as per his/her choice. Will we get the tickrs like the one on Note 4 Edge? Well have to check on that before commenting.

Its got the 16MP rear camera with OIS and other features like heart-rate sensor, fingerprint scanner are placed right next to the LED flash unit.

Its marginally thicker than Galaxy S6 at 7-mm but still manages to be lighter than the original at 132 grams.

Sleek and slim Galaxy S6 Edge has the appeal and lure of a premium device but still fails to stand among the likes of LG G Flex 2 in our opinion.

Haven we seen that kind of bottom before?
The glass-back body panel is highly reflective (as you can see), slippery nature is another concern. So get ready to buy pair of flip covers along with the phone.

First Look At ! The Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge

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